FEatured Article : Talking To Your Teen ABout Incontinence
Incontinence is an embarrassing condition, at any age. Now imagine that you're also a teen - body conscious, wanting to lead an active lifestyle, and not sure what "normal" is for your age.
Just for parents of teens with incontinence, here's a comprehensive guide to talking to your teen about the stains on their clothes or sheets while minimizing the embarrassment for both of you. Ask the right questions and you'll get honest answers so you can help your kid. |
I don't want to go to the sleepover. What if I pee the bed?
- Real Quote, Real Kid, Real Problem
Why aren't Pads Enough? How to tAlk to Your Daughter About Incontinence.

As the parent of a teenage girl diagnosed with teen incontinence, you may have been investing in feminine hygiene pads. However, what you may not know is that these pads are not enough for your daughter. In fact, if she is susceptible to excreting a large amount of urine or feces, she is bound to end up with a big mess. Besides, not changing this pad regularly can cause her to develop numerous health issues due to the germs of both excretions.
Therefore, if you want to provide your teen with the most protection while ensuring her health, you need to consider other incontinence products designed for her gender.
Therefore, if you want to provide your teen with the most protection while ensuring her health, you need to consider other incontinence products designed for her gender.
Man Up: How to Talk to Your Son About Incontinence.

Talking with your child about incontinence is never easy. However, the task gets harder when your child is a teenage boy. After all, boys don’t listen too well, are less concerned with their physical safety, and don’t wear their emotions on their sleeves. Therefore, you need to know how you can tackle them so that they can learn what they need to know about incontinence.
As this may be new territory for you, here are some tips to help you effectively discuss teen incontinence with your son.
As this may be new territory for you, here are some tips to help you effectively discuss teen incontinence with your son.
How to Talk to your Daughter about Incontinence

Talking with your daughter about her incontinence may not be a conversation she is comfortable with, nor a conversation that you are keen to have, but it is necessary. Managing this condition is only going to become more difficult for her, so the more support you can give her the better off she will be.
Here are a few key tips that may help you when discussing your daughter’s incontinence with her.
Here are a few key tips that may help you when discussing your daughter’s incontinence with her.