Make Sure Your Teachers Know About You Your teachers at school are responsible for your well-being, so they need to know if something is wrong beforehand. Telling your teachers will also ensure that they don’t try stopping you from going to the bathroom on time. If you can’t handle this task yourself, ask your parent to do it for you. However, as a growing adult, you should take on this responsibility yourself and be confident while discussing the issue.
Take Care of What You Wear to School Sometimes, teens end up soiling themselves despite reaching the bathroom on time. This usually occurs because they spend precious seconds fumbling with zips and buttons on their pants or skirts. If this has happened to you too, you need to consider choosing clothing that simply pulls off. Even if you have to wear a specific uniform, you can ask the head of your school for permission to make your uniform easy to pull down so that you can avoid any mishaps.
Don’t Avoid P.E. Just Because You’re Worried about Changing in Front of Others Sports periods are a hassle for teen incontinence sufferers. However, by avoiding those, you won’t be able to improve your incontinence and may even gain a reputation for being wimpy. Instead, what you can do is talk to your P.E. teacher and inform them about your situation. By doing so, they’ll make sure that you get to use the bathroom whenever you need it and that you can change easily before the rest of your classmates reach the locker rooms.
Use Incontinence Products One of the easiest ways of getting through the school day without facing an accident is using incontinence products. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean adult diapers! There are hundreds of products available online as well as at physical stores that you can choose from. For example, there are specific types of underwear which have a pouch-like addition for you to add a pad. This way you won’t feel bulky and still be safe while at school.
Be Prepared at All Times Just in case your clothes get messy or the pads you’re using are soiled, you need to have extras on you. You can always keep an extra pair of slacks and underwear in a zipped compartment in your bag. On the other hand, you can keep an extra of everything hidden in your locker. If you’re worried about anyone asking, you can always say that you keep extra clothes in case you need to go somewhere after school.
Don’t EVER Drink or Eat Less; Control Your Intake Instead Never cut down your fluid intake or else you’ll develop infections or problems like dehydration. Instead, manage your liquid intake to be around 5-6 cups during the day. Similarly, don’t avoid eating to control your bowel movements or else you may end up constipated and in more pain. Also, make sure you regulate your toilet breaks so that you can relieve your bladder or bowels before they give way.
With these tips, you will be able to easily manage your incontinence issues while at school. However, remember to discuss these with your parents beforehand so that they can guide you.